Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What's that on my finger you ask. . . .

Here I am wearing my wedding ring. . .out and about on a regular basis, this was the best birthday present I could have given myself my birthday was the first day in over 2 years that I was able to  wear my wedding ring without it cutting off my circulation or causing me pain.  Happy birthday to me and THANK YOU PALEO!!!  My finger doesn't feel so naked anymore oh and now all those hot guys that were always trying to hit on me will know I'm a taken woman!!

WOD Wednesday Sept 26th

  5 rounds for time
50 double unders I did 150 singles
15 elbows to knee I did butt lifts or high toes on the ground
40 meters Heavy farmer carry 

My time 22:29

I was able to rush from work to make the 6:30 am class today, it was great to get the workout in before I went to bed I felt like I had so much time when I woke up!

Look back tomorrow when I post my body fat test results, I'm getting dunked tomorrow to find out my body fat percentage. . .SCARY!  This will give me a better idea of where I'm at and where I want to be!

1 comment:

  1. This made me smile in the middle of the night when I can't sleep because I'm sick as a dawg. I'd call that a blogging win!
