Wednesday, August 1, 2012

WOD August 1st The first Day of being Fit with Crossfit

4:00 pm WOD- my first official class.

I was a bit intimidated thinking about attending a class with a bunch of athletes that have been doing this for awhile and can actually do a pull-up. . .but I had to do it at some point.  I was going to take the day off but my good friend Molly had just gotten back from vacation and wanted to go to a class together. . .so glad she talked me into it!

Everyone was so helpful and encouraging I didn't feel like I was totally out of shape and holding everyone up because I wasn't.  The trainer helped me find modifications for what I couldn't do and made the reps fewer so that I could complete them and not burn myself out. . .it was awesome!! I sweat buckets like I usually do and it was fun doing it in a group and watching others and see what I have to work towards!!

5 Thrusters- trainer bar
5 Ring rows (modification for pull ups or muscle ups)
5 Dips (using the ground bars)

4 reps+5 thrusters in 20:00 min.

I'll be posting my last 2 elements sessions with photos soon!!! I just am having problems getting the photos off my camera. . .check back soon!

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